Cell March 20 - Come and See

This week we talked about an interesting subject - namely who we are as Christians, and how the world looks at us. Or more importantly, what the direction our "outward" ministry should take.

There are a lot of examples in the Bible about reaching out to people. For the most part, the early church didn't have to go very far to reach people. While it's true that people like Peter and Paul travelled far and wide to plant churches, they often were most effective at taking advantage of whatever situation God had placed them in. In other words, they tried to be an example of Christ's love wherever they were.

The Greek word "oikas" refers to the people we encounter in everyday life, people we already have relationships with. We don't need to go to the ends of the Earth - our mission field is right here in our backyard.

In John chapter 1, when John the Baptist saw Jesus for who he was, he didn't pack his belongings and go on a mission trip to Africa. He simply told those who were his disciples. He pointed and said "Behold the Lamb." One of those two was Andrew, brother of Peter. Andrew and another asked Jesus "Where are you staying?" Jesus answered "Come and see." It was simple - an invitation to just come and witness who Christ was and what he was doing.

Andrew didn't pack his bags and go to Africa, either. He simply went and found his brother, Simon. He simply told someone who he already had a relationship. I'm sure he offered to show Simon.

When Jesus met Phillip, and Phillip saw him for who He was, Phillip didn't pack either. He simply went to his friend and said "Come and see."

Who have you shown Christ today?

Posted byMichael J Mahoney at 5:13 AM  


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