Cell July 10 - Get Hated!

If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

So says John 15:18-19. The world hates a Christian. I'm not (and neither was Jesus) talking about individual people, but about the spirit of the World, about Satan, and about people blinded and bound by him.

The world hates us. Why? Because we don't follow its rules. We don't think like it does. We don't belong to it.

It's one of the biggest irony's of all time. People who are of the world - of the flesh - love it. They think that the world (and the flesh) has the answers to all of life's needs and troubles. In essence, they are giving themselves over to Satan, to let him take care of them.

Satan hates them. He hates all of us. After all, his goal is to send everyone into eternal suffering. How can you do that to someone, unless you truly hate them? Why does Satan hate us? Because we have something he will never have. Satan desires to be like God. (Is 14:14) But it is we who are made in God's image! And so Satan's great pride causes his great hatred of us.

But it's alright. Satan (and the world) hates God, too. And since we are children of God, he loves us. So we need not fear Satan's hate. He can't harm us if we don't let him. And when the world rejects us, or the things we say, they are really rejecting Jesus.

Posted byMichael J Mahoney at 8:46 AM  


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