Cell May 22 - Throwing Stones

This week, we had a special guest leader for the 10-12 cell group - Shannon.

The lesson this week was a simple one. The story comes out of our continuing study of the Gospel of John. In this case, we were reading from Chapter 8. In this story, a woman is brought before Jesus who has been caught out in a terrible sin - one for which the scriptual penalty is death by stoning.

Jesus basically says "You're right. I tell you what. Whichever of you has never sinned, you throw the first stone. " John tells us the men all felt guilty, and one by one, they left Jesus and the woman alone.

Notice that while the men walked (ran!) away in shame of their sins, the woman did not. She faced the consequences of her actions. Jesus then asked her (in paraphrase) "Where did they all go? Is there anyone left to condemn you? No? Then I won't either. Go try and do better to not sin."

God doesn't care what others say about you. He doesn't expect perfection. He only cares about your heart, and that you try to stay away from sin as hard as you can. Don't worry about others' sins - worry about your own.

Posted byMichael J Mahoney at 8:21 AM  


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